About Michael Brunswick



Michael Brunswick contemporary art portrait

Michael Brunswick Bio


Here’s a quote about me from Steven Pressfield Author of The War of Art

 “If you see Mike walking down the street in Venice you will never forget him. His glasses will be off the charts hip. In cold weather so will his Russian burlap coat that looks like it was issued to him in the Siberian gulag. John Lennon would go crazy for Mike's collection of sunglasses. It's like a museum of the coolest retro shades ever.”

I was born in 1979 in Toronto, Canada and in 2001 I moved to Los Angeles California to pursue a BFA in Toy Design at Otis College of Art and Design.

In the end I stayed in LA, and opened an Art Studio in Southern, CA.

 I’ve been consistently referred to as strong, intense, and dedicated. I get great inspiration from California, from the farmers market and especially from Peaches and Tomatoes.  I am big into peaches and tomatoes and even bigger into eyewear. But what I’m biggest into is painting.


MY Process

"Oh, that's not a painting. That's my tool."


My paintings are full of layers. The surfaces change as you look at them. This is no accident. I deliberately mess with the light and fool around with the way the eye perceives a surface. You can stare at one of my paintings for twenty minutes and keep seeing new stuff, in a surreal experience.  I often paint with the canvases flat on the floor. I will swipe paint across the underlying canvas in layers.

To get this effect, I use another longer and slimmer canvas called a Tool (or a Throwaway). By pouring paint onto it and over the edge of the Tool paint oozes over edge of the Tool and onto the surface of the underlying canvas. This tool as I work with it, becomes a work of art unto itself.

What I know is that the Paintings are not separate from me, the works flows out of me directly.

Still as the years go by, what I realized about myself as I get to know My Process is art is who I am. I’m innocent. You can take advantage of me. But this openness is what makes My Abstract Art flow and what makes it possible to create new works.

Finally, my persona as an artist extends beyond the canvas, beyond the studio and into the way I raise my kids, the way I love my wife, and the kind of friend I am.